
The next step

While our installation was on display, and when we heard that it had been chosen to be displayed at jaaga we realised that there was a lot of work to be done before it would be professionally complete.:

The first thing was that the cloak needed to be mechanized. On doing it manually we weren't able to synchronize the speed thus resulting in one end of the cloak going down faster than the other. Also it would be impractical for someone to stand there and man it for everyone that came in.

- Secondly we realised that people were not willing to to stand inside the cloak and watch the complete projection, it has to be edited and worked on a bit to keep the viewers attention.

- We would have to find another option for the balloons filled with water because we can not afford water falling on our panels nor do we have the time to fill and hang new balloons everyday. We decided to make similar forms out of fabric.

- Figuring out the available space and finding different options for entry and exit.

- The collar that we made is beautiful, but it was getting lost completely when we put up the installation. we would have to find a way to attract more attention to the collar, because it adds to the look and feel.

-Different ways of placing the projector so that the projection on the panels would be larger.

- Finishing and making things look more professional. Seams, fraying edges of fabric, visible threads hanging from the ceiling etc.

- Lighting, placement of the mirror etc.

- Thinking of an innovative way to make it clear that people need to wear the cloak.

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